My feet is my only carriage, so I've got to push on thru ....

* * *

「怎麼辦,我覺得自己已經瀕臨瘋狂,老是想辭掉工作,一雙涼鞋一個背包,遊走世界各國。嗯 ... 最好還可以每天聽 Bob Dylan 跟 Joan Baez,像60年代的嬉皮一樣,自由自在的生活一段時間... 」


「太好了!那..... 我是說..... 如果妳願意的話啦..... 我們..... 一起變成嬉皮好不好?哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~」

(傻笑..... )

「嬉皮喔.... 可是,人家比較想當波西米亞人ㄟ.... 」

「這樣喔.... 」

(尷尬..... 沈默..... )

「欸,我剛剛在旅遊頻道上看到一個介紹牙買加的節目喔。陽光、海風、咖啡田、Bob Marley 和他那令人通體舒暢的雷鬼音樂.... 啊呀~真是太令人嚮往了!而且從某個角度來看,牙買加跟古巴倒是挺像的哦。」

「Bob Marley?!真是太巧了,我昨天才買了一張他的CD耶!陽光、海風、咖啡.... 這些也都是我的最愛喔!」


「我也是ㄟ!!!Oh my god~~~You read my mind !!!」

「No No No!!!YOU~~~YOU read my mind !!!」



「啊,雨停了.... 妳看妳看,彩虹!!!」


「嗯?!不知ㄟ... 好像很遠吼?」




「咦..... 妳的意思是說..... 願意跟我一起變成嬉皮嗎?」


* * *

Everything's gonna be alright....
Everything's gonna be alright....


祈能踩出一道.... 喔不.... 兩道漂亮的足跡來。


You may say I'm a dreamer, BUT, I'm not the only one !!!


~ 2004.1.22‧大年初一 ‧清晨‧台北夜未眠 ~


來自牙買加的雷鬼音樂之父 Bob Marley,是第三世界首位音樂巨擘,也是跨越種族與地域區隔的和平大使。正當全世界終於能夠跟著來自加勒比海的輕快節拍一起唱和,Bob Marley 卻突發重病,1981年因腦癌病逝于邁阿密,享年36歲。

《延伸聆聽》百年西洋經典:Legend--Bob Marley

No Woman No Cry, by Bob Marley

No, woman, no cry...
No, woman, no cry...
No, woman, no cry...
No, woman, no cry...

Say, say, say I remember when we used to sit
In the government yard in Trenchtown
Oba, observing the hypocrites
As they would mingle with the good people we meet
Good friends we have, oh, good friends we've lost, along the way
In this great future, you can't forget your past
So dry your tears, I say:

No, woman, no cry...
No, woman, no cry...
Little darling, don't shed no tears
No, woman, no cry...

Say, say, say I remember when we use to sit
In the government yard in Trenchtown
And then Gorgie would make the fire lights
As it was logwood burnin' through the nights
Then we would cook cornmeal porridge, of which I'll share with you

My feet is my only carriage, so I've got to push on thru
But while I'm gone, I mean:
Everything's gonna be alright....
Everything's gonna be alright....
Everything's gonna be alright....
Everything's gonna be alright....

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